Property Management

Comprehensive Property Management Solution

We have extensive experience of managing rental property for investors and property owners as well as homes or offices that require ongoing maintenance. Our goal is to take the burden off your shoulders and work directly with your tenants or staff to make sure the property is in the best functional condition, from plumbing and electrical to roofing and flooring.

Tenant Acquisition & Screening

Advertising vacancies

Showing properties to potential tenants

Tenant background checks and screening

Lease Administration Services

Drafting and executing lease agreements

Rent collection and handling late payments

Managing lease renewals and terminations

Property Maintenance & Repairs

Regular property inspections (every 4 to 6 weeks)

Handling routine maintenance tasks

Coordinating repairs and emergency maintenance

Management Services

Accounting services (tracking income and expenses)

Providing financial reports to property owners

Budgeting for property improvements

Relations Management

Handling tenant inquiries and concerns

Enforcing lease terms and resolving disputes

Conducting move-in/move-out inspections

Legal Compliance

Staying updated with local landlord-tenant laws

Ensuring property compliance with regulations

Handling evictions if necessary


Regular cleaning and landscaping services

Managing utilities and property taxes

Weather-related upkeep (snow removal, gutter cleaning, etc.)

Emergency Response

24/7 availability for emergencies

Handling unexpected issues promptly

Security incident management


Utilizing software for streamlined management (e.g., property management software for accounting, maintenance, and tenant communication)

& Advice

Providing guidance to property owners on investment strategies

Advising on property improvements for better ROI

Taking the hassle off real estate investors and property owners

By entrusting your properties to our expert management, you’re freeing yourself from the time-consuming responsibilities of day-to-day operations. Our comprehensive suite of services, spanning tenant acquisition and screening, meticulous property upkeep, and proactive maintenance, ensures that your investment remains lucrative and hassle-free. We handle the complexities of lease administration, navigate legal compliance seamlessly, and prioritize tenant relations, guaranteeing a stress-free experience for you. With our dedicated team overseeing every aspect, from routine inspections to emergency response, you can confidently entrust your properties to us, knowing that your investment is in capable hands.

Contact us for Property Management inquiries

Frequently Asked Questions

Home staging is the process of preparing your property for sale by enhancing its visual appeal and showcasing its potential to prospective buyers. By strategically arranging furniture, decluttering, and adding stylish decor, home staging creates an inviting atmosphere that captures buyers’ attention and helps them envision themselves living in the space. This can significantly increase your property’s desirability and potentially lead to higher offers, allowing you to achieve the best possible selling price.According to survey conducted by the Real Estate Staging Association (RESA), investing 1.3% in staging results in an average of 7.1% over-list returns. 

Our home staging services are specifically designed to help sellers like you maximize the appeal and value of your property. With our expertise, we can transform your space into a show-stopping presentation that stands out in the market. By highlighting your property’s strengths, optimizing the layout, and creating a welcoming ambiance, we create a compelling first impression that can generate increased interest from potential buyers and potentially result in higher offers.

  • Yes, we offer a wide range of carefully curated furniture and decoration items that can be rented for home staging purposes. Additionally, we have a selection of high-quality items available for purchase, allowing you to effortlessly elevate your home’s decor.

Absolutely! We understand the importance of working with your existing furniture and decor items. Our team will assess your current pieces and incorporate them into the staging process, blending them seamlessly with carefully selected additions. This approach not only saves you money but also creates a personalized and inviting atmosphere that resonates with potential buyers.

The duration of the home staging process depends on the size and condition of your property, as well as the scope of work required. Typically, we aim to complete the staging process efficiently and within a reasonable timeframe, ensuring that your property is ready to impress potential buyers within a day to a couple of weeks.

Our decluttering process involves a systematic and methodical approach to eliminate unnecessary items and create a clean and organized living space. We work closely with you to identify areas that need attention, provide storage solutions, and help you make informed decisions about what to keep, donate, or discard. Our aim is to create a clutter-free environment that enhances the overall aesthetic and functionality of your home.

  1. Enhances Visual Appeal: Decluttering creates an immediate visual impact, making your space appear larger, cleaner, and more inviting. Potential buyers are more likely to be attracted to a well-organized and clutter-free environment, allowing them to envision themselves living in the space.

  2. Highlights the Property’s Features: By removing excess items and unnecessary clutter, you can showcase the unique features and architectural elements of your home. Buyers can focus on the property’s inherent beauty, rather than being distracted by cluttered surfaces or overcrowded spaces.

  3. Creates a Sense of Space: Clutter can make rooms feel cramped and smaller than they actually are. Decluttering helps to open up the space, creating a sense of spaciousness and allowing buyers to see the full potential of each room. This can significantly increase the perceived value of your property.

  4. Facilitates Easy Navigation: A clutter-free home allows potential buyers to move freely and easily throughout the space during viewings. Clear pathways and unobstructed access to rooms and features make for a smoother and more enjoyable experience, positively influencing their overall impression.

  5. Enables Buyers to Visualize Themselves in the Space: When personal belongings and excessive clutter are minimized, buyers can more easily imagine their own furniture and belongings in the home. This emotional connection plays a vital role in helping them envision the property as their future home, increasing the likelihood of making an offer.

  6. Creates a Positive First Impression: A clutter-free and well-maintained home creates a positive first impression, setting the stage for a successful sale. It conveys a sense of care, attention to detail, and pride of ownership, which can leave a lasting impact on potential buyers.

Remember, decluttering is an essential step in preparing your home for the market. It not only enhances the overall appeal but also allows buyers to focus on the unique features and potential of the property. The investment of time and effort in decluttering can result in a faster sale and potentially even a higher selling price.

Yes, we offer virtual design consulting services for clients who prefer remote assistance or are located outside of our immediate area. Through video calls, email communication, and digital tools, we can provide design recommendations, room layouts, and decor suggestions to transform your space, no matter where you’re located.

Absolutely! We understand the importance of creating an inviting and attractive environment for rental properties and vacation homes. Our expertise extends to designing spaces that not only appeal to potential renters or guests but also optimize functionality and durability to withstand frequent use.

Yes, we also offer our expertise for commercial properties such as offices, retail spaces, and hospitality establishments. We understand the importance of creating visually appealing and functional environments that align with your brand image and cater to the needs of your customers or clients.

Kagon Team Members

Aniyah O'Gallagher

Aniyah O'Gallagher

Kagon Tailor
Harpreet Padilla

Harpreet Padilla

Kagon Founder
Stephanie Emerson

Stephanie Emerson

Kagon Designer
Eleanor Blankenship

Eleanor Blankenship

Kagon Marketer


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